Part 23 for Pilots
Asked by: USAF314 2902 views Aircraft Systems, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation
I wanted to get some outside view points on Part 23 as it applies to pilots. Today a heated discussion began about determining airworthiness of an aircraft at the school where I instruct. Many of those involved took the side of 91.205 being what we as pilots use while applying 91.213 as needed. Others stated that we as pilots must be using Part 23 and Type Certified Data Sheets to determine if equipment is required. A couple of the examples that came up was a single bonding strap on a C172S elevator being disconnected. Some said it was not airworthy and others said it was. Another example was the stall warning horn being inop. The majority stated it was required when it was certified so it must be on or working now or its not airworthy. I was one of the few that disagreed and use Part 91, along with PIC decision skills on if I can fly an airplane. Never in all my flying have I heard of so much talk about Part 23, but at this school it is everyday. I try not to assume I'm always right so I wanted to see if there was another view or explanation, other than those that I heard today....they were not convincing. Thank all!
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