Lost a student logbook, got info from instructors, how do I fill the new space out
Asked by: Camwyn 2929 views Helicopter, Student Pilot
I'm a student pilot who's been taking lessons for some time. My original log book was started back in mid-2014, but I managed to lose the darn thing and had to start a new one. I'm currently several pages into the new one and have been able to contact the instructors who flew with me in nine-tenths of the entries in the original log book. I have emails from these instructors now with the dates, times, procedures/maneuvers, and number of landings for each of those entries. The thing is that they're all from before I started on my current log book. Do I go to the next available page and write '8/20/14' in the date column, with 'pattern work, hovering work, flight instructor so-and-so, this entry retroactively entered in this book because original was lost'? Or is there a procedure I should be following for this?
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