Sense of direction and recognizing where the wind is all the time
Asked by: Bea 2502 views Student Pilot
OK, I'm female and not as young as I used to be, so let's just say I've got two counts against me. What I have going for me is that I'm not giving up.
I've read numerous times that a pilot needs to know from which direction the wind is coming at all times and I agree wholeheartedly. I need to know on all legs of the pattern how the wind is going to affect me (closer/further/faster/slower from the runway). Any advice in "learning" a sense of direction and recognizing wind direction?
I spend time armchair flying, working through different legs of the pattern with winds from different directions, but I get very nervous when flying and my brain shrink to the size of a pea. I realize this isn't helping the situation. This may be a keep practicing and keep flying and you'll get there situation.
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