1 Answers
VFR Flight Following Crossing into Canada
Asked by: jeffreyhayes 2051 views General Aviation
Hi - I'm planning a trip from KGAI to CNY3. I'm familiar with the requirements (e.g., DHS decal, EAPIS, call Canadian Border Services), but I have two questions:
- I need a Restricted Radiotelephone Operators Permit, and the plane needs a Radio Station License. I recently purchased the plane I'm flying now, and the prior owner left both of these docs. That should cover me for the Radio Station License because it applies to the plane even though the doc has the prior owner's name on it, yes? But then do I need to myself get the Restricted Radiotelephone Operators Permit?
- I'll be on flight following the entire time. Will US ATC always pass me off to Canadian ATC? And in the US, I generally look for the Approach frequency on Foreflight to get an idea of who I should be calling for following, but it seems most small Canadian airports don't list approach frequencies. Besides asking the tower, how should I think about picking up following?
Thanks for any info!
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