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5 Answers

Enroute chart errors or something I don’t understand?

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Airspace, Instrument Rating

I found a couple oddities on the LAX Area chart I'm wondering about.  They could be errors, but cross-referencing the sectional makes me wonder if it's something intentional I just don't understand.

First, KLAX is listed as a part-time Delta airspace on the IFR Area chart.  The VFR charts are pretty busy around there so I'm not sure they're indicating KLAX itself, but there are a couple spots where they mention "class D effective hours."  Is this why the area chart shows D* for KLAX?  If so, what does it mean for KLAX to be part-time Delta if the whole area is full-time Bravo?

In the same area, just west of MERMA on the Area chart (and just west of LAX on the enroute) is a boxed distance marker, "38".  These boxed distance markers generally indicate VOR to VOR distance, but there is no VOR west of the boxed marker, and no distance I see that makes sense to be 38.  Can these distance markers have a different meaning?



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5 Answers

  1. Ken White on Apr 09, 2018

    I’m not from the area but looking at the TAC there is a pocket of Class D north of the LAX Class B and one to the south. I would say the notes on the TAC refer to those pockets. A quick google search shows those pockets were activated in 2012.

    I believe the 38 defines MERA as being 38 DME from LAX VOR on the 246 radial.

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  2. Ken White on Apr 09, 2018

    I wish there was an edit button. The 38 defines MERMA, not MERA.

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  3. Best Answer

    Ken White on Apr 09, 2018

    This is why you shouldn’t look at things in a hurry. The 38 is the distance from LAX to VTU on V25…nothing to do with MERMA.

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  4. Matt C on Apr 09, 2018

    Ken, thanks, I see that you’re right about LAX–>VTU. It didn’t occur to me because the bend is fairly sharp, but I guess it’s all part of V25.

    Regarding the delta airspace, I agree, the notes on the TAC seem to be pointing to the areas just north and south of KLAX. I think these are for KSMO and KHHR. But why does the Area chart specifically show KLAX to be part-time delta?


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  5. Ken White on Apr 09, 2018

    I believe those areas are both LAX class D airspace. KSMO and KHHR have their own Class D adjacent to those areas. Do a quick search on “FAAST Notice Number: NOTC3900” and you’ll see the notice that went out when this airspace was activated in 2012.

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