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3 Answers

Electronic copy of Medical Certificate

Asked by: 3988 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation

Given that AMEs now issue (meaning print out on a laser printer) medical certificates on a plain piece of paper instead of the old official FAA forms, are there any requirements that prohibit one from carrying an electronic copy of their medical instead of the paper version, such as a legible photo or scanned PDF? The regs only say that it must be carried, it doesn't say which form. Only asking so that I can have one fewer thing in the wallet....

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3 Answers

  1. KDS on Mar 27, 2018

    I cannot put a reference to anything that specifically addresses that, but my experience has been that the only universally accepted document is the original paper. That is even to the point where a photocopy that would look exactly like the original is not acceptable.

    Even imagining there is some document within the FAA’s mountain of rules that says it is okay, think of it this way. You meet a 60-something year old inspector on a ramp and he or she asks for your documents. You hold up you phone and say, “look in here”. It has far more potential to have an unhappy ending that you would like.

    However, here is a suggestion, and it’s what I do. Put your certificates (medical, pilot, CFI) in something that you always take when you go flying. For example, a zipper pocket in the bag in which you keep your headset.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Mar 28, 2018

    AFAIK, there is no rule permitting substitution of a duplicate (digital or otherwise) of a pilot, medical, or other official certificate for the document in the original format it is issued.

    I think that’s true of official documents generally. I know a number of states are at least looking a digital drivers licenses and all but a handful of states already accept digital insurance cards. There are mobile passports available for limited use. But those are by special legislation or rule, often with their own apps to provide verification and security.

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  3. KDS on Mar 29, 2018

    P.S. I also quit carrying my wallet in my back pocket. I flew with another pilot and we got to talking about backaches. He said that his doctor told him to quit sitting on his wallet and that he was “getting a fat wallet from treating backaches of people who sat on fat wallets”. It sounded a little hard to believe, but I didn’t see any harm in trying it. Either it worked or it was one of those “placebo effect” cures, but my backache went away after a few weeks.

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