How to get back in to flight instruction
Asked by: Rich Nasser 2417 views Flight Instructor
I have had my CFI/I/MEI since 2004 but really have not used it hardly. I put one person thru the PP and have very few flights with clients to sharpen up skills. I have not given any flight reviews. I have kept up with the FIRCs and my certificates haven't lapsed and I have a 3rd class medical.
As member of a flying club, I can easily put myself out to conduct reviews etc. But my concern is that I am not quite up to snuff, and I'd be doing my students/clients a disservice. I know I can become a good FI, but I really need to knock some rust off.
Does anyone have any advice on the best way to get back in the saddle so-to-speak? are there any materials courses that would help? would hiring a CFI to go through a CFI-type curriculum be the way to go?
Thanks in advance
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