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2 Answers

On a VOR approach where the VOR and MAP are co-located (VOR RWY 24 at KTEB for example), if you experience full scale CDI deflection (because you are so close to the VOR) before station passage (to/from flag), is that a mandatory reason to immediately execute the missed approach?

Asked by: 1993 views
FAA Regulations


2 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Mar 15, 2018

    If we had to go missed whenever we entered the zone of confusion of a VOR which is also an FAF, we would never complete an instrument approach.

    This is one of the reasons why, even when we track a course or radial on an approach, we fly headings. We know when we are going to enter the zone of confusion and continue on the heading which worked so far until exiting on the other side after station passage

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  2. hh65flier on Mar 16, 2018

    Thank you. That’s what I thought as well. I actually had to re-do a VOR approach 2 years ago at Flight Safety in West Palm Beach for my annual 135.297 check ride because the instructor insisted that full scale deflection, even in the cone of confusion, required a mandatory execution of missed approach. I was dumbfounded.

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