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What is the timeframe to cancel a check ride before receiving a cancellation fee

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Private Pilot, Student Pilot

Is there an official timeframe that a student pilot can cancel a check ride before receiving a cancelation fee from a DPE? My check ride is scheduled in 3 weeks time, however I don't feel like I've had adequate time to prepare myself. My previous instructor is now in training for the airlines and I've been handed off to another instructor. I'm part 141 and I still have yet to complete my final stage check before I can even take my check ride. My previous instructor was the one that scheduled my check ride, however he didn't endorse anything before he left. I feel like I need more time to prepare, as I'm only able to fly once a week due to my school and work schedule.

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3 Answers

  1. KDS on Oct 30, 2017

    I depends on the individual DPE.

    From a legal perspective, there is no binding agreement.

    It is different from one location to another, but as a rule of thumb, DPE’s are booked about three weeks out. So, at the three week point, the DPE is most likely not going to be worried about you cancelling. Most likely someone who didn’t plan as far ahead will call and be happy to take the space.

    However, having said all of that, I’ll bet you really are ready for the check ride. Remember, your recommending CFI has experience in that area and is better at evaluating your status. A 141 school in particular is less likely to see a disapproval of any applicant they would recommend.

    My advice is to not worry, but do sit down with your adviser from the school and explain your views and ask for their thoughts and recommendations.

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  2. RickS on Oct 30, 2017

    Further to KDS comment, I bet you are more ready than you think. I felt like I wasn’t ready either, but I couldn’t think of any areas where I was not proficient. Turns out, I was proficient, and was worrying about nothing.

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  3. raajtram on Nov 12, 2017

    @KDS – you’d be surprised at the amount of “Notice of Disapproval” letters received by Part 141 School students.

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