2nd XC with my PPL – DC to Chicago (KGAI -> KPWK)
Asked by: jeffreyhayes 2450 views General Aviation
Hi - I'm a <100 hrs VFR pilot flying a Tobago T200 (SEL; ~10gal/hr at ~115kt cruise with 45gal useable; autopilot; Garmin 530; Scout ADS-B in for (delayed) weather in-flight; ipad with GPS and Foreflight. I've only done one short x-country (72nm KGAI -> 2W2) since getting my license, and now I'm planning to fly KGAI -> 10G -> KPWK on the weekend before Halloween with my wife. I expect this will all be a huge learning experience, and I wanted to get any advice possible beforehand. Here are a few questions/thoughts ...
- Obviously weather is paramount. I'll get a weather briefing early the day prior from a briefer, and then another the morning of in order to determine go or no go.
- I'll pick up VFR flight following as soon as I'm clear of the DC SFRA. Cruise altitude will depend on winds aloft, but I'd hope for 6500 or 8500.
- I plan to stop to top off the tanks and stretch our legs at 10G (Holmes Co in Ohio). After takeoff, pick up flight following again from Cleveland FSS on 122.6.
- Even though it's safest to stay over land, I'd like to fly ~50nm over the southern tip of Lake Michigan because (A) it will keep me north of Ohare and Midway (but not out of their airspace), (B) is more direct to KPWK, and (C) seems like a beautiful way to view Chicago. At the New Buffalo VFR checkpoint (just before starting across the water), I'll make a call to Chicago Approach on 120.55 (~30nm from Ohare's Mode C veil) to communicate who I am, where I am, that I have the KPWK ATIS and my intent to land there. I expect that they'll clear me into bravo (I'll be waiting for the magic words "cleared into the bravo") and pass me to KPWK tower on 119.9. From there, I'll follow their instructions and get on the ground.
- For the return trip 3 days later (hopefully!), I'll again do a weather briefing the day prior and day of. I'll top off my tanks, get the ATIS, and talk to Chicago Clearance on 124.7 (or should I directly call KPWK Ground on 121.7?) to declare my intention for an east departure. Then I expect to be handed to KPWK Ground and then Tower. Then I'll get flight following back the same route (KPWK -> 10G -> KGAI) flying at 5,500 or 7,500 (ceiling and winds aloft permitting).
While KPWK is a delta airport, this will be the first time I've flown into bravo airspace. So I'd like to make sure my core procedures (radio and otherwise) are correct for the #4 above. Of course, I need to be ready to divert or make changes on the fly, but I'm hoping other, more experienced folks will help me get as prepared as possible. Thanks!
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