Military pilot instructing on the weekends
Asked by: Flying Travis 5755 views Flight Instructor
Hello All,
I was bit with the flying bug when I was 14, recived my PPC certificate in college, did Air Force ROTC and am now flying the KC-135.
I have recently been considering becoming a CFI because I love GA flying and would really like to teach flying to others. I am still full time with the AF so I really could only handle a student or two. I have my Commercial-Multi, would I just need to get current and take some lessons to recieve my CFI (checkride too of course)?
I read a post about another isntructor developing a syllabus and lesson plans. I would like to do the same and try to incorporate some of the ways the Air Force taught flying. Does someone have to review these?
Lastly, does this sound like a good idea?
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