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3 Answers

becoming a flight instructor

Asked by: 1965 views Flight Instructor

How does one become a flight instructor? Do you need a college degree?

3 Answers

  1. Ken White on Aug 30, 2017

    No degree needed. Read FAR part 61 Subpart H, that lists all the requirements and will get you in the habit of looking up answers in the FAR which youl’ll have to do quite a lot of as a CFI.

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  2. FlyingRae on Sep 09, 2017

    Do you CFII as your initial. Everyone is looking for II and not I. 😉

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  3. KDS on Sep 10, 2017

    I can’t lay my hands on it, but I believe the FAA made a legal opinion a couple years ago that said a CFI-I without an underlying CFI-A could only instruct in other than flight (e.g. ground or simulator).

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