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Questions on Journey to Pilot (from Flight School Costs to Flight Instructor Taxes to Regional Lifestyle to Reaching aMajor Airline)

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Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, Student Pilot

Hello so I'm rather new to the flight world and have been doing a great deal of research but I'm struggling to fill in several blanks that I'm hoping I can get some assistance with.

To start with a bit of background, I've completed 60 hours of undergraduate coursework but had some issues completing my degree due to making mistakes and failing to commit yet I've corrected my previous mindset and won't be making the same mistake again (I don't have the money to make anymore mistakes anyway).  At this point I was intending to enter ATP's flight school, cosigning with my parents to pay the cost because I don't have cash to pay out of pocket and want to begin my career as quickly as possible (please give input on pros/cons of this plan).


Now, as I understand it, I can complete the Fast Track Program in 9 months, at which point I can, and most tend to, become a Flight Instructor with ATP and accrue flight hours throughout that period of time. My questions here are how much flight time can I reasonably expect to gain each month with ground school in the mix and will I have to pay for fuel? Will these hours be limited by the number of students available or are there typically a surplus available simply depending on the work I'm willing to put in?

Also in regards to my time as a CFI are my financial questions namely: How do quarterly 1099 taxes work (or should I be speaking with a tax advisor on this)? What other fees and expenses outside of regular living expenses can I expect to incur as a CFI in regards to certificate management and health certificates and how much can this cost annually? Lastly, after flight school I'll have ~150k in debt... (yes, I know) so is the worst case pay as a CFI (Maybe ~20k?) and eventually a Regional First Officer (Around ~24k on low end?) possible to manage loans of that volume or will I have to supplement with some other method of income or find a way to lower payments for the first 5-10 years?

Finally, in regard to pursuing a career as a pilot for a major airline, what is the process truly like for someone going from a "pilot mill" to a regional airline with aspirations of reaching Captain at a major airline? I'll be completing my bachelors during my time as a regional pilot (already completed 60 hours and told I can transfer up to 35 from completion of flight school) so there shouldn't be anything else holding me back outside of experience, correct?


Thank you so much for any information you can provide. I know my questions are numerous and a bit scattered but if you can answer even a portion of one I'd greatly appreciate it. If you could simply point me in the direction of a good place to research that would even be enough as I'm certainly not opposed to research, just need a bit of guidance if possible. Thanks again!



Sorry I think I've misspoken and led to some confusion as I'm still unfamiliar with much of the terminology. What I meant was that I'd complete my certificates at ATP in 9 months and spend the next 1-2 years accruing flight hours working through their guaranteed CFI position.
Another question I was reminded of recently was on the realistic expectations on income throughout my transition from student to captain at a major. I'd initially been told that regional pay was around 20-30k to start but a recent answer has stated that those were old figures and that now starting pay is often around 38k so I've adjusted my expectations accordingly but still have blanks and uncertainty on many of the figures so clarification would be helpful. Here's what I have:
1 - ATP student $0
2 - ATP CFI $24-$26k
3 - Regional year 0-2 $35-$40k (averaging your $38k avg)
4 - Regional Year 2-5 $45k (assumption, haven’t seen a good answer)
5 - Major Airline Year 0-3 Unknown (Seeing hourly rates of 70-122 but can’t seem to tell the actual hours and yearly income pull)
6 - Major airline Year 3-5 $120k
7 - Major airline 5+ Years $135k+^

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1 Answers

  1. jeff on Aug 25, 2017

    congratulations on your desire to become a professional pilot. Are you sure that they are saying you can complete an ATP in 9 months? I seriously doubt it, as it require 1500hrs these days and that would be a difficult amount to log in 9 mos. If they are offering a Commercial Certificate aling with CFI in 9 mos, that is doable. A lot of work, but doable. In order to get hired these days by the airlines, you will need your ATP. So once you complete your CFI and commercial ticket, you will still have to amass the hours required for the ATP certificate, along with several other requirements, not to mention the SIM time.

    I am not trying to discourage you, and infact, would encourage you to pursue your dream. But if they are telling you they can get you an ATP in 9 months from student pilot, then something is not right. I wont comment on ATP as a school. I have never been there nor had any students from there. There are plenty people on this forum that have been and could give you the scoop on that school. But I highly doubt they can get you from student to ATP in 9 mos.

    Good luck in your pursuits of your career. I would also at least look into the other areas of aviation, such a corporate flying, etc.


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