Air Traffic Services ICAO vs. Federal Aviation Regulations
Asked by: Effes 2373 views Airspace, FAA Regulations
On my private pilot progress check the check cfi asked me what ATC services are and what kind of services I can expect in Class E and how is it different to Class B services. I couldn't give him a really good answer to this question by only referring to the FAR/AIM. At home I searched the web and several different FAA orders and handbooks. On SkyBrary I found the Article Classification Of Airspace which is based on ICAO Annex 11. ICAO Annex 11 divides Air Traffic Services (ATS) into 3 different divisions (Section 2.3):
- Air traffic control service
- Flight information service
- Alerting service
and provides a table in Appendix 4 "ATS AIRSPACE CLASSES — SERVICES PROVIDED AND FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS" which lists the different airspaces and the services provided for VFR and IFR.
Is there any federal source where I can get the same information based on federal law (what are Air Traffic Services and what are the differences within the airspaces in IFR or VFR flight)?
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