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4 Answers

Best Plane to start flying in?

Asked by: 2210 views Student Pilot

What is the all around best plane to start learning in?

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4 Answers

  1. Koehn on Jul 16, 2017

    One that you can afford, that’s comfortable, and that will push you to develop your skills without putting up challenging barriers.

    As you can see, all of those are subjective criteria.

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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Jul 16, 2017

    You stated in a question you asked earlier, that you have been flying for all of your 15 years in a plane with your father. It appears that you have already started learning. The plane you have been using sounds like it is suited to learning to fly.

    The one thing you haven’t really addressed is whether or not your father is a flight instructor. If he is, no problem. If he is not, you will need to find an instructor who can teach you in a tailwheel airplane. There is also a requirement for some instruction on flying by reference to instruments. Your dad’s airplane would need enough instruments to accomplish this.

    What kind on airplane have you been flying?

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  3. businesstravler on Jul 23, 2017

    I’d look into a cessna 152. They’re cheap and very easy to fly.

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  4. Christopher Ian on Aug 05, 2017

    I encourage starting in a tailwheel airplane with no flaps.
    I started in a Citabria, 3 of 4 models have no flaps. Tailwheel is trickier so you learn better.
    I did a lesson in a Piper when on business near LaJolla N of San Diego and said, wow, tricycle gear is easy.
    It was a challenge at first not wandering left and right, staying straight on take off.
    Landing, I was taught two wheel landing first, then three wheel.
    Slip on nearly every landing, similar to gliders, using spoilers. So you learn to judge and control your power, energy, speed.
    In C172 it seems so strange adding flaps w power, braking while your foot us on the gas.
    I also like tandem seating, front back seats w equally good view out each side.
    And I prefer high wing.
    Most important, I would recommend flying Gliders furst.
    Take more time, spend more money, learn gliders.
    Even if you get to solo glider, then start power flying, huge advantage.
    I had 46 hours in tailwheel mistly, then C172, three places closed, i had not soloed.
    Went to gliders on the East Coast, soloed glider Aug1, soloed C172 Aug18.
    Having had power, gliderscwas easier, having had gliders, single-engine was easier.
    MOST important, do everything you can do get money saved so you can fly 4 or 5 days a week, if not every day.
    Breaks, weeks off, stopping for 2 months to save money all extend the number of hours to get proficient.
    I did not know my single engine time counted toward time in gliders, halving my time/ flight requirements. I thought the time had to be PIC and since I was a student, pre-solo I was not PIC. Check the regs.
    I believe time in glider does not reduce time required in piwer, but you will learn and excel faster after glider.

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