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Should I switch Flight Schools

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Instrument Rating


I currently have my pvt and am working on my instrument. I passed my written, finished my 50hr XC and received 2 flight scholarships. My current instructor is the same instructor I used for my pvt. He has volunteered his time and Mooney to help me with my training. All is good but is just not as available and thorough as Id like. He recently has picked up a citation type rating and is full speed ahead. I drive over an hour to get to each flight lesson and find a babysitter each time for my 9mo. Im lucky if my lessons go past 1.2 hobbs with no post flight brief or pre flight brief. I really want to learn as much as possible and move this along. Right now i fly with him once every few weeks. Id like to fly at least twice a week and knock this by September. 

Ive done the research to switch F/T instructors. if i switched up here (truckee ca vs Auburn ca)  id be driving less and be learning mtn flying and glass cockpit. Plus the instructor is gold seal and has the time. I think overall id get more out of my training.

The main problem is money....id be paying almost twice if not thrice as much. 

up here i need to get renters insurance...and pay about 235h/r

down the hill its not even 100h/r and im learning in  complex aircraft. but I have no idea when my next lesson will be...Im worried im not being taught to stds as well.

Another benifit of switching is Id network up here. for future jobs. 

I can probably afford it up here if there is no bumps...but ive never flown in this terrain or area or glass and there could be a learning curve. I keep going back and forth.

what would you do? 

any thoughts?


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2 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Jul 16, 2017

    First, unless you would be renting the aircraft for solo flight, I don’t see the need for renter’s insurance. The flight school should bear the responsibility for dual instruction flights.

    Next, take a lesson or two from that flight school. See what the lesson looks like. Are you getting pre & post flight briefings? Are you filing on the flights and interacting with ATC? Are you flying in actual instrument conditions? Are you learning anything new that had not been taught by your other instructor?

    This is the way you make an informed decision.

    Are you factoring your driving time, cost for gas for driving, babysitting costs into your calculation that it will cost two to three times as much?

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  2. businesstravler on Jul 23, 2017

    This is a classic “You get what you pay for” scenario. If you’re goal is to get your ticket as quick as possible with good instruction, you’re going to pay for it. However, 235/hour seems a bit much for a single trainer. Down here in Florida you can get dual instruction in a 172 for about 175/hour. There’s no need for renters insurance as it’s included in the cost of the rental.

    As for your current instructor, I would definitely move away from him or her. It sounds as if they have limited time and teaching you is an after-thought. This is where you can get into some trouble as they’re not fully committed to getting you trained. Without a good post flight briefing, how do you know what you did right/wrong? Waiting 3 weeks to discuss it or getting back in the cockpit is useless. The best thing for a student is to learn with consistency and familiarity. The more comfortable you are behind the stick, the better pilot you’ll become. If each time you get in the cockpit you’re nervous and trying to get the feel back, the less time you have to learn new skills.

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