Opinions on accelerated instrument training?
Asked by: Vince R 2696 views General Aviation
I'm a 300 hour pilot doing my instrument rating and not too thrilled with how long it's taking. After a month, I have about six hours in the simulator, and at this pace, I feel like it will take me a year. I do have my written test done, have more than enough cross-country PIC time and am flying a few hours a week otherwise.
I'm thinking of signing up for one of the 10-day instrument rating courses out there, but I'm worried that squeezing all that training into a short period of time might not be the best idea. I'm willing to dedicate the time - I just want to make sure that I'll be proficient after the investment.
Curious what the consensus is on these accelerated programs, and maybe if there are some programs that are better (or worse) than the others. Thanks!
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