Can i start accumulating instrument time before i have my PPL?
Asked by: J.Dobson 3214 views Flight Instructor, Helicopter, Instrument Rating, Student Pilot
I am currently in flight school, part 61 with a focus on rotor wing. I am very close to getting my PPL, i just need to do my 10 hours of solo time and then I'll be ready for my check ride. For the past month or so both of my instructors were out of town due to their national guard duties and during that time i spent a few weeks flying up in Oregon in an R44. The focus while i was there was to get the 25 hours of R44 time ill need in order to instruct in the 44 later in my career, i also started getting some IFR time. So as of right now, other than my R22 time, i have 26 hours in the 44 and 28 hours of simulated instrument time. Will the instrument time that i already have carry over to my instrument rating once i get my private pilots license? Or did i do all that instrument time for nothing?
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