Another AC 90-108 Question
Asked by: Anderson 4865 views Aircraft Systems, FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
Just wondering what the implications are of the limitation in AC 90-108, para. 9 a. (2):
"Pilots may not use their RNAV system as a substitute or alternate means of navigation if their aircraft has an AFM or AFM supplement with a limitation to monitor the underlying NAVAIDs for the associated operation."
If this limitation was in the AFM (or supplement), would it not render all of the substitute/alternate operations otherwise allowed in AC 90-108 useless?
For "substitute" operations this limitation seems obvious, but for "alternate" operations it doesn't make sense to me.
For example, as of about 2016, it's been clarified that as long as the VOR final approach course raw data is monitored, a suitable RNAV system can be used to navigate that segment (I'm paraphrasing).
Can anyone help me understand this?
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