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R-ATP question from RW Military pilot

Asked by: 3888 views FAA Regulations

I am a little confused on the requirements outlined in 61.159 and 61.160. I have about 2000 total hours of which only about 200 hours in an airplanes, 50 hours of which are in a multi-engine, and the rest in helicopters.  My question is in regards to the aeronautical experience total time.  

Would I require 200 hours of x-country and 100 hours night 75 hours of instrument in an airplane or would RW time count towards it? or would the only required fixed wing time I would need be the 250 PIC , 100 x-country PIC, 25 night PIC and 50 hours in the class of airplane?

Thank you in advance!


(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section, a person who is applying for an airline transport pilot certificate with an airplane category and class rating must have at least 1,500 hours of total time as a pilot that includes at least:


      (1) 500 hours of cross-country flight time.

(2) 100 hours of night flight time.

(3) 50 hours of flight time in the class of airplane for the rating sought. A maximum of 25 hours of training in a full flight simulator representing the class of airplane for the rating sought may be credited toward the flight time requirement of this paragraph if the training was accomplished as part of an approved training course in parts 121, 135, 141, or 142 of this chapter. A flight training device or aviation training device may not be used to satisfy this requirement.

(4) 75 hours of instrument flight time, in actual or simulated instrument conditions, subject to the following:


        (i) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section, an applicant may not receive credit for more than a total of 25 hours of simulated instrument time in a flight simulator or flight training device. 

(ii) A maximum of 50 hours of training in a flight simulator or flight training device may be credited toward the instrument flight time requirements of paragraph (a)(4) of this section if the training was accomplished in a course conducted by a training center certificated under part 142 of this chapter.

(iii) Training in a flight simulator or flight training device must be accomplished in a flight simulator or flight training device, representing an airplane.

      (5) 250 hours of flight time in an airplane as a pilot in command, or as second in command performing the duties of pilot in command while under the supervision of a pilot in command, or any combination thereof, which includes at least--
        (i) 100 hours of cross-country flight time; and

(ii) 25 hours of night flight time.


(a) Except for a person who has been removed from flying status for lack of proficiency or because of a disciplinary action involving aircraft operations, a U.S. military pilot or former U.S. military pilot may apply for an airline transport pilot certificate with an airplane category multiengine class rating or an airline transport pilot certificate concurrently with an airplane type rating with a minimum of 750 hours of total time as a pilot if the pilot presents:

(e) A person who applies for an airline transport pilot certificate under the total flight times listed in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section must otherwise meet the aeronautical experience requirements of § 61.159, except that the person may apply for an airline transport pilot certificate with 200 hours of cross-country flight time.

1 Answers

  1. R. Anderson on May 08, 2017

    Hi CDowney,

    The following is my opinion regarding your question. Two important points to start with:

    1. Before you spend any money or make commitments, I would suggest you make an appointment with your local FSDO advising of your general question so the Inspector can do some research prior to your arrival. Bring your flight records and walk the Inspector through the regulation as you understand it and show him/her why your aeronautical experience satisfies the regulation. Since this is a bit complex and fairly new, this may reduce the chance that when you apply for your ATP another Inspector may express a different opinion.

    **NOTE: as shown below, I believe you are currently short of flight time in an airplane.

    2. Do a Google search for the phrase “Docket No. FAA-2010-0100, 78 FR 42375, July 15, 2013.”
    This document covers the entire Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for 61.160 and includes discussion and comments that may help clarify any unanswered questions. Reading the NPRM/Federal Register for all new/changed regulations often provides incredible insight to some of the questions that come up during the rulemaking process.

    YOUR QUESTION: (limiting my comments to only category airplane and rotorcraft, since this is what forms your question)

    “Would I require 200 hours of x-country and 100 hours night 75 hours of instrument in an airplane or would RW time count towards it? or would the only required fixed wing time I would need be the 250 PIC , 100 x-country PIC, 25 night PIC and 50 hours in the class of airplane?”


    You would need the following:

    – 750 hours total flight time (rotorcraft or airplane); ref: 61.160(a)

    – 250 hours of flight time (airplane); ref: 61.159(a)(5) -NOTE**All time under 61.159(a)(5) must be PIC or (SIC with limitations)

    -200 hours cross country flight time (of which 100 hours must be in an airplane, the remainder could be in a rotorcraft); ref: 61.160(e) & 61.159(5)(i)

    – 100 hours of night flight time (25 hours must be in airplane the remainder can be in a rotorcraft); ref: 61.159(a)(2) & 61.159(a)(5)(ii)

    – 50 hours of flight time in a Multi-engine airplane (which is class); ref: 61.159(a)(3)

    – 75 hours flight time actual or simulated conditions (rotorcraft or airplane). You can do some of this in a simulator or flight training device, with some limitations; ref:61.159(a)(4) and 61.159(a)(4)(i)(ii)(iii)

    Good luck,

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