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5 Answers

Questions from my previous post

Asked by: 2376 views Instrument Rating

Refer this link:- http://www.askacfi.com/33295/after-going-through-aim1-2-3-and-ac90-108-on-monitoring-navaid.htm

Special thanks to John, and Mark, I always appreciate your thoughts and positive supports.

There were few more thing I wanted to verify and those are:- 

  1. Monitoring primary navigation(such as NAVAID must be operational or dialing in frequencies?)
  2. Flying NDB approaches without GPS labels using RNAV?
  3. Holding over VOR, LOC, NDB using RNAV

I just wanted to make sure my understanding from the texts in ACs, and AIM are still accurate and not misunderstood any single one.

I again appreciate your help and time spent on providing feedbacks, and hope you have great one !



5 Answers

  1. connor on Apr 04, 2017

    I think FAA has not revised AC90-108 yet to reflect changes already made on AIM..

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  2. John D Collins on Apr 04, 2017

    Conner, the wording in AC 90-108 has not been updated to match the AIM wording. The AIM wording is a clarification and not a FAA policy change.

    1. As far as the AIM wording is concerned, the aircraft must have the equipment on board, working, and tuned to the correct facility and an indicator such as a CDI or RMI must be displaying the course information. On the ground, the nav station must be operating.

    2.You must have a working ADF receiver, it must be tuned to the correct facility, the NDB course information must be displayed on an RMI or ADF indicator in your primary view. You can use the GPS to fly the final approach, including driving an autopilot with the GPS guidance as long as the ADF indicator does not disagree with the GPS guidance. What is disagreement? This would be an indication using the ADF that would cause you to abandon the approach assuming you did not have a GPS.

    3. There are no requirements to have the equipment on board or for the ground equipment to be working to perform a hold as long as the holding fix can be identified using the GPS.

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  3. Mark Kolber on Apr 07, 2017

    One addition to John’s answer.

    The difference between 1&2 on the one hand, and 3 on the other is the phrase “lateral guidance on the final approach course.”

    1&2 involve lateral guidance on the final approach course. The navaid identified in the title of the approach must be available, operational, tuned, identified, and monitored.

    #3 does not involve lateral guidance on the final approach course, so GPS can be used as a direct substitute without the ground based navaid on board,

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  4. jmrtsmith on Jan 09, 2021

    On an RNAV approach with a published hold the holding pattern distance is depicted as 4nm. My understanding is this is a max distance. If grounspeed only 80 kts in a 172 it would be legal to turn in after minute outbound as long as you are established on final app course inbound prior to leaving hold. Agree? Disagree? Thoughts?

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  5. John D Collins on Jan 09, 2021


    Correct as long as you have not been specifically cleared by ATC to fly 4 NM legs. See the answer to question 5 in this FAA General Counsel Opinion:


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