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2 Answers

ME ATP wants to fly SE Airplane… what’s the quickest path?

Asked by: 2780 views FAA Regulations

I'm an Airline Pilot and have only flown twin engine military trainers/fighters and Commercial airliners except for my flights required for ATP ME checkout in a piper Seminole.  I'd like to get a SE license at either the Commercial or ATP level to fly... whichever is quicker, easiest and cheapest.  Also, based on reading similar questions on this website I have a couple more detailed questions.  1)How many hours of Dual Instruction flights/hrs would be required for either the ATP SE or Commercial SE cerification? 2) I understand one of the biggest challenges is getting familiar with the SE aircraft you'll use for the checkride... just wondering if a CFI could endorse a pilot with a ATP ME license to fly solo for XXX days to gain more proficiency without added cost of a CFI onboard. 3) Also, i know you need 50 hrs in SE aircraft type before you can take a ATP SE checkride... what is the minimum hours, if any, to take a Commercial SE checkride?  I flew a C172 for 15 hours to SOLO when in an USAF screening program prior to going to USAF Pilot Training about 25 years ago... I have the sortie dates, times and tail number info... can that count towards the 50 and can I legally add to my logbook?

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2 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    Russ Roslewski on Mar 28, 2017

    I’ll try to help!

    1a) To add on an SE rating at the Commercial level, not much is required. From 61.63, you are adding on additional aircraft class and therefore only need to train to proficiency, be signed off by a CFI, and take the practical test (checkride). There is no minimum training hours requirement. That is probably the easiest, quickest route for you to take (especially given the generally-not-useful ATP Single Engine rating).

    1b) To add on an SE rating at the ATP level, you must comply with 61.159. You should meet all of them since they were the same for the ATP-ME checkride you already took, EXCEPT for the 50 hours in class (SEL). This requirement you would still need to meet, but I think it’s the only one which would present any issue for you.

    2) Yes, the CFI can endorse you to fly the SE airplane solo. This is covered by 61.31(d) and shouldn’t be a problem.

    3) Ah, the T-41 I assume. Yes, if you have the records, this time would be allowable and counts toward the 50 required in class for the ATP.

    Hope that helps!

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  2. ugleeual on Mar 28, 2017

    Thanks Russ!

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