ME ATP wants to fly SE Airplane… what’s the quickest path?
Asked by: ugleeual 2780 views FAA Regulations
I'm an Airline Pilot and have only flown twin engine military trainers/fighters and Commercial airliners except for my flights required for ATP ME checkout in a piper Seminole. I'd like to get a SE license at either the Commercial or ATP level to fly... whichever is quicker, easiest and cheapest. Also, based on reading similar questions on this website I have a couple more detailed questions. 1)How many hours of Dual Instruction flights/hrs would be required for either the ATP SE or Commercial SE cerification? 2) I understand one of the biggest challenges is getting familiar with the SE aircraft you'll use for the checkride... just wondering if a CFI could endorse a pilot with a ATP ME license to fly solo for XXX days to gain more proficiency without added cost of a CFI onboard. 3) Also, i know you need 50 hrs in SE aircraft type before you can take a ATP SE checkride... what is the minimum hours, if any, to take a Commercial SE checkride? I flew a C172 for 15 hours to SOLO when in an USAF screening program prior to going to USAF Pilot Training about 25 years ago... I have the sortie dates, times and tail number info... can that count towards the 50 and can I legally add to my logbook?
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