Do I need an endorsement to sit for FAA private pilot written exam,
Asked by: mark86 11303 views FAA Regulations
Hello All,
Thank you in advance for any answers and/or advice. I recently took a discovery flight with a local flight school and of course was beside myself. I talked to the flight instructor about taking the written before starting flight training. And he suggested that it wouldn't be a bad idea. And he told me that most of the foreign students do just that before taking flight lessons. Unfortunately, he seemed a little uninviting and I could tell he was a little burnt out with rookie pilots. I'm not knocking him, perhaps he had a bad day. He was extremely knowledgable, but none the less everyone on this site so far seems a lot more enthusiastic about answering rookie questions.
My question is that if I do all the research myself online and deem myself elegible to take the written can I just go ahead and take it or do I need to have an instructor endorse me? Second, do I need to get a medical done before I take the written? Third, do y'all think that taking the written then taking flight lessons is a good idea/method for learning?
Thanks Again,
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