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1 Answers

Instrument rating maintaining currency

Asked by: 2000 views Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating




Has been  1 year since i did my IPC(april 2016).  All this year  didnt logged approaches/holdings/tracking etc.

I would like to ask please,  since I'm in the 2nd  6 month period and wish to maintaining instrument rating current using a SIM before it lapse and need IPC. 


do i need 3 hours  sim instruction to  be current again? 61.57 (c)  3




  • I am asking this because found school that offers 1,5hrs and didnt mention anything about  3 hrs instrument rating and i am wondering how llegan i will be  after that.





1 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Mar 18, 2017

    Exact terms are important. You refer to 61.57 (c)(3) but you use the word “sim” (for “simulator”). Though we often use that term generically, it has a specific meaning.

    61.57(c)(2) applies to “flight simulators” and “flight training devices”. If you’re using one of these, there is no time requirement. These are more expensive devices that may or may not move but accurately represent a real aircraft, including the panel and switches and flight physics.

    61.57(c)(3) applies to “aviation training devices”, which include the popular “Redbird” and other devices commonly seen at local flight schools. They usually represent a pretty generic airplane, although may try to emulate a real one (like the Redbird does). If you use one of these, yes there is a 3 hour training requirement.

    Assuming you mean the second of these, you read the regulation just fine. 3 hours is required.

    However, I have to bring up that if you haven’t flown a single approach or even any instrument work at all in the past year, are you really safe to go flying after a few approaches in an ATD? Sounds like the classic example of being legally current but not at all proficient. Seems like some refresher training in the ATD followed by an IPC in an actual airplane would be a good idea, not something to try to avoid.

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