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2 Answers

Grey shaded area in the profile view

Asked by: 7146 views General Aviation

I know from the IPH that in RNAV approach charts the presence of the grey shaded line in the profile view means "visual segment below MDA is clear of obstructions on the 34:1 slope." Then, what's the meaning of the same grey shaded line (ILS glide slope) in ILS charts, which typically start from the FAF and end at the end of runway? The same meaning as in RNAP approach charts?

2 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Feb 02, 2017

    Yes, the stipple (gray area) indicates that the visual segment is clear on a 34 to 1 slope. It applies to any approach type.

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  2. Russ Roslewski on Feb 02, 2017

    John, he’s asking about the “large” shaded gray symbol on ILS charts that goes from the FAF all the way to the runway.

    Lemontree, according to the profile view legend (page F1 of the printed book for the approaches, or somewhere else if you’re using an EFB), that symbol is simply just representing the ILS glideslope. There’s not much more to read into it.

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