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2 Answers

Clarifications for VOR36 approach into KPIE

Asked by: 2245 views Instrument Rating

Have a closer look at the top down view, you will see the missed approach procedures track leading to R-276 to LAFAL intersection and hold. Does the procedure expect us to be staying on R-276 all the way to LAFAL for obstacle clearance(guess there will be enough buffer in case you overshoot) or can we go just direct ?

Sometimes, on going missed, these radials are so far apart coming from different VOR, that I almost have to fly straight on runway heading and turn.

One example for above scenario is ILS 7L at KDAB.

Lastly, as far as I know, VDP is just a guideline allowing the pilot to maneuver the plane along the optimum glide path usually at 3degrees, and does TERPs take the OCS into account when designating such point on descent?



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2 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    Jim F. on Jan 20, 2017

    Yes, the procedure says to fly heading 240 and intercept R-276 from PIE to LAFAL. It’s a VOR procedure (as opposed to RNAV) so don’t go direct, because that’s not what’s charted. Not sure I understand the comment about overshooting…

    “Sometimes, on going missed, these radials are so far apart coming from different VOR, that I almost have to fly straight on runway heading and turn.” I don’t quite get this one either. The missed approach procedure dictates that you climb straight ahead on runway heading until 1,200′ MSL, then begin your turn, so that’s normal.

    As for the VDP question, I’ll leave that for somebody with a more complete understanding of TERPS to comment on; But with my cursory reading of order 8260.3C, it does say that a VDP will not be published if it would violate a 20:1 visual area surface. So I would say that indicates a published VDP does account for all obstacle clearance requirements…

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  2. John D Collins on Jan 20, 2017

    Yes, you are expected to intercept and track the 276 radial to LALFAL. Going direct is not following the charted procedure. You are not authorized to make up your own procedure. The initial part of the missed approach follows the final approach course lateral guidance. That goes for the missed approach procedure for ILS or Loc RWY 7 at KDAB. Follow the localizer until reaching 700 feet.

    Below the MDA, you are visual and must see and avoid obstacles. On an NPA, there is a level ROC, typically 250 feet above the highest obstacle until reaching the MAP. In the visual segment, the VFP will not be published if there are obstacles that penetrate a 20 to 1 slope, but that is not saying much as a 3 degree slope is 19 to 1. The VDP is simply the point that a descent from the FAF to the runway threshold at the TCH crosses the MDA. You can\’t descend below the MDA without one of the 91.175 runway items identified.

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