VDP and MAP. Where MA decision should be made?
Asked by: Lemontree 4187 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
Hello, instructors. I've got a question. When we have both a VDP and a MAP in a NPA chart, at which point between the two are we supposed to "decide" (not execute) our missed approach? I know we're expected to start our missed approach at the MAP, but I'm curious whether we're expected to make a decision to go missed or not when we're over the VDP, because after all the VDP is the point where "a descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at a normal rate of descent using normal maneuvers (91.175)" and as such it would be against this regulation if we start our descent after the VDP.
Is my logic correct here? Or since the VDP is only advisory, and I'm the PIC, I can decide to land even though I'm aware I passed the VDP. Thank you.
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