Clarifications on unusual approach plate Notes and layouts.
Asked by: connor 2542 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating
If you look up the approach plate for KOCF ILSDME 36, the note section states that 'simultaneous reception of VOR and LOC is required.
First, if you are going to shoot the ILS approach into KOCF, do we really need to receive VOR unless you are doing the DME arc? I understand its use for the Localizer approach, because you really need to identify step-downs using DME distance from VOR!
Secondly, some of the approaches such as VOR9 into KLAL does not have the IAF but IF. What I heard from one of my colleague is that radar vectoring substitutes the initial segment of the approach procedure and I am still not finding credible information where it exactly mentions. If above 'suggestion' from my colleague is true, what are the conditions that IAF is omitted from the approach procedure?
Third, going through the TERPs publication, I found out intriguing facts on 'Descent gradient' on non-precision approaches. From my viewpoint, TERPs seemed recommending min & max descend gradient for approach procedures with different type of procedure turns and IAF. As a pilot, would you recommend analyzing what D.G to apply and put that into calculation every time you go out for instrument flying?
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