My IFR stage check is next friday. I have a great understanding of the system, but this specific scenario is giving me some questions. I think I'm over-thinking it. This is the scenario:
You're coming into KABQ from the west on V12 in the vicinity of HEGMA for a landing on RW8. You need to end the flightplan at a feeder fix. The MSA is 9100 and you're crusing at 9k. To me the ILS seems preferable to an RNAV/GPS due to it being a precision approach. The problem for me is planning how to get on to the approach course from the ABQ VOR (assuming I lose comms) since ABQ isn't a feeder fix/IAF. In additions, for the RNAV (GPS) Y 8 apprach, HEGMA IS a feeder fix but theres a note saying the proc. is NA for arrivals on the ABQ vor radials 216 cw to 332 (V12 is on the 255) I would appreciate if people were to tell me how they would approach the situation.
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