How to go about Part 61 Instrument Students
Asked by: pmollette 2365 views Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating
I have a student who's private I did and now he wants to do his instrument rating. This is my first instrument student. He wants to do part 61 (long story). To any CFIIs who have taught part 61 instrument what's the best way you've found to go about doing grounds and introducing new material as in how do you start, and how do you conduct the grounds. Just a ground on Holds, or a specific topic you personally wanna do that one day then fly it? It's less organized than 141, so I just wanted to ask and see if any of you guys had any like specific order the way you liked to do things.
More of just asking for suggestions from people who have done it a bunch instead of just thinking it up as I go. Been teaching private students for 8 months and been a CFII for 2. Open to anything.
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