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3 Answers

Approach Chart Confusion

Asked by: 2505 views Airspace, FAA Regulations

Reference KART--VOR RWY 7

Assume cleared for the VOR 7 approach and the clearance route is the feeder route from over SYR VOR on the 010 radial. One would fly to WUMSO and fly the approach based upon what is charted.

However, I do not understand why you cannot intercept 223 radial off of ART and proceed inbound when cleared approach from SYR VOR.  But the 223 radial off of ART is used for this approach otherwise.

Any thoughts?

Thank you for the feedback.

3 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Jan 02, 2017

    This looks a lot like your previous question that you asked about 3 years ago: http://www.askacfi.com/17598/feeder-route.htm

    John Collins gave about the best answer any of us can give at the end of his post in that thread: “It is not obvious what the reason was for the 010 radial course to WUMSO rather than one that would intercept the ART 223 radial at 10 DME, but there must have been a reason either obstacle or operational related.”

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  2. Russ Roslewski on Jan 02, 2017

    I should add that the best place for you to go to ask why it was designed like that is the FAA. They have a contact link on their web page:


    The email is:


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  3. Dan Chitty on Jan 02, 2017


    My mistake. You are correct. I should have recalled that I did post this a few years ago. Thanks for the response. By the way, I have seen many responses from you on various posts. Your feedback is always insightful and helpful. Best wishes to you.

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