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3 Answers

Unable to comply with climb instructions on MAP

Asked by: 2354 views Airspace, Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot

Here is the link to the KDAB RNAV16 IAP

Assuming that I am on final for RNAV16 and getting ready to setup for circle 7L.

When abeam runway 7L, suddenly loses visual contact with runway and go missed.

MAP is concerned, we have to climb upto 1700 and turn direct to KESLR, following the Missed approach course on G1000.

Unfortunately, C172S for sure, will not reach 1700ft prior to intercepting the missed approach course.

What am I supposed to do in this case, in order to stay within the protected area, rather regulatory requirement?


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3 Answers

  1. Wes Beard on Oct 28, 2016

    The missed approach point is the runway threshold to 16. At that point, you need to climb at least 200ft/nm to KESLR.

    To answer your question. Abeam 7L make a climbing left turn to the middle of the airfield. At this point, re-intercept the missed approach course to KESLR.

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  2. John D Collins on Oct 28, 2016

    You don’t have to reach 1700 feet by the time you reach the course, the 1700 feet is the altitude you need to reach prior to KESLR. As Wes points out, you need to be climbing at a rate of 200 feet/min from the missed approach point, the threshold of runway 16 to be within the obstacle protection area.

    If you take Wes’s advice, by the time you get back to the course, you will have traveled at least two miles and should be at or above 940 feet, which will also be above the 200 feet per NM measured from the runway 16 threshold, so maintaining a safe climb in a C172S should not be an issue in your example.

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  3. Best Answer

    MasterFlight on Oct 29, 2016

    Because the first leg in the missed approach procedure is a direct-to-fix leg, you should be careful about your position when you unsuspend the GPS to activate that leg. The procedure is designed with the missed approach starting at the MAWP (RW16).

    1. Start your climb.
    2. Turn left toward the center of the airport.
    3. Intercept the extended RWY 16 final approach course (the GPS should still be suspended and providing guidance along that course).
    4. Once established back on the RWY 16 procedure, unsuspend the GPS to proceed direct to KESLR.

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