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2 Answers

Inop components

Asked by: 4779 views Instrument Rating

Inop Components Table.

Please clarify when we would raise the minimum for this.

ALSF 1 & 2, MALSR,  & SSALR, Approach Category ABCD, Raise vis requirement by 1/4 mile.

ALSF 1&2 , MALSR, &  SSALR are 4 different approach lighting system. I believe a runway can only have 1 approach light system. So i think this means that if i am flying to an airport and the ILS approach i'm doing for the RW has the MALSR inoperative, then i need to raise the min vis for that approach from the 1/2 mile to 3/4 mile.  

The confusion i'm trying to clear up is that even thought, it list those 4 approach lighting system and the inop comp table reads as if  i would need to raise the minimums if all 4 approach lighting systems are inop. But i think an approach can NOT have all 4 lighting systems and would only have one.



2 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Oct 09, 2016

    I have a tough time believing this is a serious question. Why does the listing of inoperative components, in particular the approach lighting systems confuse you, but listing the types of procedures that it applies to in exactly the same list format does not.

    Clearly they are individual approach types and individual lighting system component types.

    The Inoperative components table includes text that explains how to use the table.

    Your explanation on how to use the table is correct.

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  2. CFI on Oct 09, 2016

    The reason for my uncertainty. The way they list the inop components are … ALSF 1 & 2, MALSR, & SSALR. It kind of reads like all 4 components need to be inop to raise the visibility mins. If they used an ‘or’ instead of an ‘&’, i would not have needed to ask this. But i think those 4 components are all some type of approach light system and i’m mostly sure the runway can only have 1 and not more than 1. So i’m able to figure out my reasoning that if my RW has MALSR and it is inop, then i have to rase the vis min by 1/4 mile. Thanks for confirming my uncertainty on this.

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