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5 Answers

Can a Multi-Engine only ATP pilot fly an LSA with only an Instructor Endorsement, or must they take an LSA checkride with the FAA?

Asked by: 2647 views FAA Regulations, Light Sport Aircraft

I am a Demo/Instructor pilot for an LSA Amphibious airplane.

Considering that I can confer seaplane privileges on a rated pilot with just an endorsement, can an ME only ATP (or Private/Commercial) receive LSA privileges with only a CFI endorsement, or do they need to get an FAA LSA checkride?


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5 Answers

  1. Mitchell L Williams on Oct 05, 2016

    You will need a SE add-on check ride. It does not necessarily need to be a sport pilot. Since you have ME-ATP, might as well get at least commercial or ATP single Engine.


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  2. John D Collins on Oct 05, 2016

    I defer to Kris, if he responds, but reading 61.303, the operable section of the table for your multi engine ATP without a single engine category and class:

    If you hold: (1) A medical certificate

    And you hold: (iii) At least a recreational pilot certificate but not a rating for the category and class of light sport aircraft you operate,

    Then you may operate: (A) That light sport aircraft, only if you hold the endorsements re-
    quired in § 61.321 for its category and class,

    And: (1) You must comply with the limitations in § 61.315, except § 61.315(c)(14) and, if a private pilot or higher, § 61.315(c)(7).

    So I believe you need to train the aforementioned pilot IAW 61.321 and provide him the appropriate endorsement and comply with 61.315 with the noted exceptions.

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Oct 05, 2016

    To the Original Poster,

    You cannot confer priveleges unilaterally by endorsement. See 61.321.


    Pretty much on target, except that according to 61.321, the training must be done by one instructor and the proficiency check must be done by another instructor, who would provide the endorsement. There must also be an 8710-11 form filled out and sent to Oklahoma City.

    The language allowing the pilot (Sport, Rec, Pvt, Comm or ATP) to add the additional category/class is found in the Sport Pilot PTS under “Sport Pilot – Additional Privileges”. It states “If you hold a Sport Pilot Certificate or higher and wish to operate an additional category or class…”

    It works the same as if I, holding an ATP with SE, ME, Helicopter, want to add a Gyroplane rating at the Private level. I just do the required training and take the appropriate check. I could just as easily add the rating at the Sport level by doing the training at the Sport level and take the proficiency check from a different instructor and document the check on an 8710-11.

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  4. Shevy on Oct 05, 2016

    Gentlemen, thanks for your responses.

    Subsequent to posting this question, I spoke with an FAA friend of mine and he provided some guidance that helps to clear this up (as Kris and John also indicated).

    The confusion occurred since I could not find anything that addressed the specific situation of a certificate holder with only an ME rating. This following excerpt clears it up:

    If you hold a Sport Pilot Certificate or higher and seek to operate an additional category or class of light-sport aircraft (14 CFR part 61, section 61.321), you must:
    1. receive a logbook endorsement from the authorized instructor who trained you on the applicable aeronautical knowledge areas specified in 14 CFR part 61, section 61.309 and areas of operation specified in section 61.311. The endorsement certifies you have met the aeronautical knowledge and flight proficiency requirements for the additional light-sport aircraft privileges you seek;
    2. successfully complete a proficiency check from an authorized instructor other than the one who trained you on the aeronautical knowledge areas and areas of operation specified in 14 CFR part 61, sections 61.309 and 61.311 for the additional light-sport aircraft privilege you seek;

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  5. Kris Kortokrax on Oct 05, 2016

    So, your FAA friend told you the same thing that John and I told you, except he forgot to mention the need to fill out and send in form 8710-11.

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