New to Aviation, eager to excel at my position (Flight School)
Asked by: Front Desk Gal 2680 views General Aviation
Hello everyone. Completely new to Aviation and learning the 'language'.
I started working at a flight school (part 61) 5 months ago and have been thoroughly enjoying the aviation community. I am here 4 days per week. The other 3, will be spent training at another flight school I was hired at last week (part 141) that is a much faster paced environment.
I am frequently introduced to words, terms, and concepts that are new. I want to be as helpful as possible so I do regular research to educate myself. I read educational book, do online research, and watch youtube videos.
My position is working the front desk of two flight schools and at the part 61 I am also a fueler. It can become quite overwhelming trying to understand all of these new things but at the same time I am excited to be learning.
What is most important to me is that I am covering the most important areas, I am helpful to students and pilots, and I become knowledgeable enough to become the above-and-beyond employee.
There is no specific question, just eager to receive advice from any/all that may help me successfully operate in my position.
Thank you for your time.
-Front Desk Gal
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