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New to Aviation, eager to excel at my position (Flight School)

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Hello everyone. Completely new to Aviation and learning the 'language'.

 I started working at a flight school (part 61) 5 months ago and have been thoroughly enjoying the aviation community. I am here 4 days per week. The other 3, will be spent training at another flight school I was hired at last week (part 141) that is a much faster paced environment.

I am frequently introduced to words, terms, and concepts that are new. I want to be as helpful as possible so I do regular research to educate myself. I read educational book, do online research, and watch youtube videos.

My position is working the front desk of two flight schools and at the part 61 I am also a fueler. It can become quite overwhelming trying to understand all of these new things but at the same time I am excited to be learning.

What is most important to me is that I am covering the most important areas, I am helpful to students and pilots, and I become knowledgeable enough to become the above-and-beyond employee.

There is no specific question, just eager to receive advice from any/all that may help me successfully operate in my position.

Thank you for your time.

-Front Desk Gal



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2 Answers

  1. Nascr1Arrival on Aug 30, 2016

    Find a single instructor and date them. All he’ll want to talk about when he is with you is flying. 🙂

    -5 Votes Thumb up 1 Votes Thumb down 6 Votes

  2. Christopher Ian on Aug 05, 2017

    Front Desk Gal, you are ….
    You are doing most everything right, hard worker, enthusiastic, self learner, motivated.
    I am GRAVELY sad that you have seen just one reply, and a horribly dismal one at that.
    Sure, find an experienced pilot or aviation professional and DO NOT DATE them.
    That is, find another female professional who us as excited as you, enthusiastic that another female is interested in and ask them to mentor you.
    MOST important, be aware of and learn to navigate around trouble spots with males who just don’t like women doing this “male” work.
    Understand completely that you are capable of learning any of this work, becoming a pilot, mechanic, instructor, supervisor, dispatcher or anything else beyong Front Desk Girl.
    -Yes, all the new terminology is a challenge. I started reading flying magazines at age 12. Medical/ physiology books about the same time. I had medical dictionaries to understand the terms, anatomy books and all that well before the internet.
    Keep your eyes and ears wide open, keep a notebook / notepad in your pocket always to write things down wherever you are.
    I have found this in aviation, I’ve never found a pilot who was not willing to spend a few minutes answering some of my many questions, explain something or give me guidance.
    They are a very supportive group in general.
    Be focused, directed, goal oriented, learn your job very well and 25% of what else is around you.
    I get very frustrated when I work someplace or deal with any business where we are told, taught, informed to a minimum level. Ask questions. Write the answers down.
    Keep notes, logs, terminology, any information organized as you learn.
    Be the person pilots and students prefer to talk with because you know your stuff and you have the answers.
    I notice the Front Desk Gal where I used to fly, the flight school closed but they service jets and aircraft maintenance now. She knows her job, she is good w customers.
    Fueling or otherwise servicing aircraft which are delicate and expensive. Be careful, in doubt, stop, ask. Ask again.
    And as far as the other advice, date a pilot, best to not date anyone at work. Terrible idea.
    Your post was amazing. Very proud of you as you communicate your position.
    If you want to discuss your post further off the public board, I can be reached at Salawood@aol.com. I’m in NH, I’m 61, not interested in anything more than offering advice and help. Not sure if posting personal contact information is permitted, but you can reach me at that email address. Good luck.

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