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2 Answers

Type Rating

Asked by: 2104 views Commercial Pilot

I have recenty completed my CPL course. I am waiting for entrance examinations of different airlines meanwhile i wanted to obtain a320 type rating as many of my instructors advised me to do this. How and from where can i get simulator training and A320 type rating?

2 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Aug 14, 2016

    I would ask your instructors how and where they obtained their A320 type rating.

    The simulators are quite expensive and are not widely available. I suspect that the airlines using the airplane have cornered the market on them and use them to train their pilots.

    Unless you have an unlimited supply of money, the cost would be prohibitive.

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  2. hassan95 on Aug 16, 2016

    Okayyy, Sir i haven’t made up my mind yet. If it’s way too expensive then surely i wouldn’t do that.

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