R44 Heli, SFAR, Who is the PIC during the IFR Add On Rating Checkride
Asked by: blenderpilot 4070 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Helicopter, Instrument Rating
Here it goes, I am a 5000 hour pilot, only 40 hours in R22 20 years ago, no time in the R44, I need to add my IFR Rating to my Heli CPL, I already have IFR Airplane so I only need 15 hours of dual in the R44 and the Checkride, BUT to get the SFAR to be PIC in the R44, it says I need to have 50 hours in Robinsons, out of which 25 have to be R44, so by the time I am done with my 15 hours dual R44 and I am ready for the IFR Add On Checkride I will only have 15 R44 hours, and according to SFAR 73 I will not be able to be PIC during the checkride, so my question is: Can I NOT be the PIC during that flight and do that checkride? or will I have to do this training in a R22 or 369 to be able to complete the rating? Thank you very much for your attention and help.
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