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3 Answers

ILS Approach Procedure Turn

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General Aviation

The ILS Rwy.15 at Draughon-Miller Central Texas Rgnl. (TPL) shows no procedure turn barb. I assume that no procedure turns are approved, even if the plate does not state explicitly ‘No Pt’.  A holding pattern at the Outer Mark is shown.  As it is dotted, I assume that it can be used only after a missed approach and not for reversing direction and fly the final segment of the approach to Rwy.15.

Are my assumptions correct? I find this approach a little unusual, because the only IAF is 30NM north of the Outer Marker and, if you come from south in a small airplane, the only practical option is to obtain radar vectors from ATC to intersect the ILS course.


3 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Aug 06, 2016

    You are correct on all issues. There is no PT depicted, and none to be flown. This is not really that unusual of a situation. For example, check the ILS approaches at any major airport (like DFW) – you’ll see no procedure turns depicted, plus you’ll also see that most procedures REQUIRE radar vectors to final. There just isn’t any of other way to get to final via published routes.

    Correct about the missed approach holding pattern and the inconvenience if coming from the south and unable to get radar vectors.

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  2. John D Collins on Aug 07, 2016

    You SHOULD always look at an approach with respect to how it fits into the airway structure. Feeder routes are from an airway unless there is an IAF already on an airway. This approach has an IAF on the junction of 6 airways at ACT. Two of the airways are excluded in the northbound direction by the note: Procedure NA for arrivals on ACT VORTAC radials 164 CW 181. This restriction only affects V17 and V548 northbound to ACT. V15 and V358 may be flown northbound to ACT, so these airways support joining this approach coming from the south. In theory, one could construct a feeder route from CWK, but it would be a long feeder of almost 50 NM, and would have to use TPL to provide an IAF along with a PT on the localizer course. Not all approaches can be flown from all airways in all directions. Many approaches have restrictions on joining the approach from particular airway(s) in particular directions. The only way to join these approaches from some directions is via radar vectors or select a route that is compatible with joining the approach.

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  3. Mark Kolber on Aug 07, 2016

    John said
    You should always look at an approach with respect to how it fits into the airway structure.

    Take that “always,” capitalizes it and make it both bold and italic. I can’t count the number of “how do I fly this approach questions” I’ve seen that can be answered by remembering that an approach is a segment that begins where the en route evioronment ends and applying this simple and (shout be obvious) rule.

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