Pilot holding single engine PPL with IFR passed his or her CPL multi rating check ride, can he or she fly multi under IFR?
Asked by: WAmmy88 3730 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
I have a question on CFR61.65.
If a private pilot (single engine) with IFR rating have done Multi CPL(VFR) course, passed his or her check ride and earn Multi CPL license, would it be possible for him or her to fly multi under IFR?
CFR61.65 does not state about aircraft class rating, it seems to me that it only care about aircraft category.
" CFR61.65(a)(8) Pass the required practical test on the areas of operation in paragraph (c) of this section in—
(i) An airplane, helicopter, or powered-lift appropriate to the rating sought;----"
I do not feel what I thought is correct. To fly multi under IFR, I think that a trainee have done multi IFR training and pass check ride even though his or her already have IFR rating for airplane(single engine).
I would appreciate your help.
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