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7 Answers

Pilot holding single engine PPL with IFR passed his or her CPL multi rating check ride, can he or she fly multi under IFR?

Asked by: 3730 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating



I have a question on CFR61.65.

If a private pilot (single engine) with IFR rating have done Multi CPL(VFR) course, passed his or her check ride and earn Multi CPL license, would it be possible for him or her to fly multi under IFR?

CFR61.65 does not state about aircraft class rating, it seems to me that it only care about aircraft category.  

" CFR61.65(a)(8) Pass the required practical test on the areas of operation in paragraph (c) of this section in—

(i) An airplane, helicopter, or powered-lift appropriate to the rating sought;----"

I do not feel what I thought is correct.  To fly multi under IFR, I think that a trainee have done multi IFR training and pass check ride even though his or her already have IFR rating for  airplane(single engine).

I would appreciate your help.     

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7 Answers

  1. Jim MacKay on Jul 30, 2016

    I guess the primary question is did you do an approach on the Comm Multi?
    What did the examiner test you on?

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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Jul 30, 2016

    If you look at page 118 of the current Commercial Airplane PTS, you will see a note that states (and I’m paraphrasing), if you don’t hold an instrument airplane, you do not have to complete tasks C & D. Those tasks deal with engine failure during flight (by reference to instruments) and a single engine instrument approach.

    You will then be able to fly a multi-engine airplane under IFR.

    In other words, if you have an instrument rating on your Private pilot certificate for ASEL and are upgrading to a Commercial certificate with AMEL, you must train for and be tested on instrument operations.

    Per Order 8900.2A:

    If you have a Private pilot ASEL certificate with no instrument rating and upgrade to a Commercial ASEL with no instrument rating, you will have a limitation that states “Not valid for carriage of passengers for hire in airplanes on cross-country flights of more than 50 NM, or at night.”

    If you then accomplish the Instrument rating practical test in a single engine airplane, this limitation will be removed and a new limitation will be added that states “Multiengine limited to VFR only.”

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  3. Best Answer

    Kris Kortokrax on Jul 30, 2016

    Let me correct the ambiguity I noticed when I reread my post.

    If you complete tasks C & D, you will be able to fly a multi under IFR.
    If you do not complete tasks C & D, you will NOT be able to fly a multi under IFR.

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  4. WAmmy88 on Aug 02, 2016

    Thank you Jim MacKay and Kris Kortokrax.
    I am surprised that it requires only two task, C & D, done at check ride. It so convenient.
    I guess that trainees will practice one engine operation and engine failure operation under IFR and log those on their logbook during their training, but other than that, is there any required aeronautical experience to complete and to log on logbook?

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  5. Kris Kortokrax on Aug 02, 2016

    The whole proposition presupposes that you have been trained for and tested for an Instrument rating in a single engine airplane. After that, you should obviously train for operation with an engine failure under simulated instrument conditions and also train for conducting an instrument approach with an engine failure.

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  6. Jake144 on Aug 02, 2016

    It’s my understanding that an instrument rating (SEL or MEL) covers everything all the way to ATP. I did my instrument ride in a twin (which is one way to make that check ride even worse) so I’m not 100% sure but i know more than one person that got their instrument in a 172 or small SEL and they fly citations and such now. Your checkride in whatever plane you’ll be flying for work, a Baron up to a 747 will have instrument approaches (if applicable to the job) and that should make your instrument rating current to that airplane.

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  7. WAmmy88 on Aug 03, 2016

    I see, thank you Kris Kortokrax.

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