filing an alternate airport question (almost got in a fight with my roommate about this)
Asked by: kikwon89 2357 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
Hello. I'm an instrument student pilot out here in AZ. I fly out of KDVT. 50 miles out to the west, we have an uncontrolled airport E25 (Wickenburg) which is non-towered with no IAPs.
My question is:
I file an IFR flight plan into E25, then I must file an alternate,
Can I file KDVT as my alternate (KDVT only has RNAV approaches into R 7R and 25L)
I know that the regulation says either of your destination or your alternate can have GPS approaches but not BOTH
But what about in this case? We will obviously be flying VFR into E25. Can we not file GPS only approach into KDVT as our alternate?? Please help me come to an end on this unending debate!
Thank you!
Kyung In Kwon
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