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5 Answers

Pilot’s bill of rights written notification of investigation

Asked by: 3856 views FAA Regulations

About "Pilot's bill of rights written notification of investigation".  It seems that an applicant ( for student pilot certificate for example) will be able to ask FAA about update of his or her application status or a reason of rejection.  Am I correct?


About a statement below, would someone please give me an example? Does it mean that any applicant action (including asking question)  toward a representative of administrator will be considered  as an unfair action?

"Any response to an inquiry by a representative of the administrator by you in connection with this investigation of your qualifications for an airman certificate, rating, or inspection authorization bay be used as evidence against you. "


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5 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    Mark Kolber on Jul 25, 2016

    I’m not sure exactly what you are asking, so this may or may not answer it.

    The general purpose of the notification is to advise a pilot of certain rights when the pilot is being investigated for some discrepancy or deviation. Kind of a Miranda warning (“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may…”) for certificate actions The pilot who violates an altitude instruction is the easiest example.

    But the Pilots Bill of Rights may be broader than that. At least in theory, anything you put on an FAA application is subject to investigation. You don’t check the DUI box on a medical application and the FAA may “investigate” by cross-checking the National Driver Registry. You enter 10 hours of solo flight into IACRA when applying for your private certificate and the FAA reserves the right to “investigate” to determine whether you really did.

    So, in some sense, any time you fill out an FAA application, you are submitting to an investigation. So the FAA decided to include the notification in the applications.

    And if it turns out you lied, the false information you provided in the application “may be used against you.” So the

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  2. WAmmy88 on Jul 26, 2016

    Thank you Mark Kolber, I should have posted simple question like “what is the purpose, what if reject to sign it” I understood that purpose, thank you.
    It seems like that your comment has not finished yet.
    If you wish to complete that sentence, please post lest of them. Thanks.

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  3. Mark Kolber on Jul 27, 2016

    Actually, it was finished. The “So the” was from a sentence that was incompletely deleted. I didn’t notice until after hitting “submit” and I don;t see a way to edit it.

    If you don’t sign an application, The application is rejected.

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  4. WAmmy88 on Jul 27, 2016

    I see, thank you Mark Kolber.

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  5. Kris Kortokrax on Jul 30, 2016

    In IACRA, there are two separate signatures. One to sign the PBR, the other to sign the application. If the applicant doesn’t sign the PBR notice, then the examiner has a place to sign stating that he provided and explained the notification.

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