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3 Answers

Takeoff minimums

Asked by: 3432 views Instrument Rating, Private Pilot

Looking at takeoff minimums for KFME. 

What does this mean?

ORIG 02052 (FAA)


3 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Jul 04, 2016

    You will see them in the upper right corner of approach charts as well. It’s the last revision date in Julian – two-digit year followed by the day of the year. So, 02052 means the 52nd day of 2002, or February 21, 2002.

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  2. sr22captain on Jul 04, 2016

    There was nothing else listed in the takeoff minimums for KFME. So I assume it’s a diverse departure. 200 ft/nm and runway heading to 400 ft AGL. Does that sound correct?

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  3. Russ Roslewski on Jul 06, 2016

    You’re correct it’s a diverse departure (since there is no route specified), but note there is indeed a slight restriction imposed, to be at or above 17 feet AGL when crossing the end of the runway.

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