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Transporting Business Equipment

Asked by: 2359 views , , ,
Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations

I've learned quite a lot from the questions and answers on askacfi.com—thank you to everyone who participates.

I've learned from questions and answers here about reimbursement such as:

  • A solo private pilot can be reimbursed by an employer for the cost of the trip as long as flying was incidental and not required by the employer.
  • As soon as a private pilot takes passengers, the pilot can no longer be reimbursed, though he can split the cost with the passengers. There has to be a common purpose in the trip as well (with whole discussions about what constitutes common purpose).
  • A commercial pilot can be reimbursed for carrying passengers, though if the pilot supplies the aircraft, it may fall under part 135 rules.

The Questions

  1. A solo private pilot travels to a business trip and wants to transport supplies that are left at the destination.
    1. Is this allowed if no compensation or reimbursement happens?
    2. What if the pilot uses an aircraft owned by the company (i.e. he has no expenses because the company owns the airplane and handles all its operating expenses)?
  2. How would having a commercial certificate change the situation in the previous questions?
    1. Under what conditions/certifications *can* a pilot carry supplies along on a trip he plans to make anyway?
  3. How does the "common purpose" clause affect a private pilot who goes to pick up a friend and bring them home?
    1. What about splitting the cost of the return leg of the flight? I'm assuming that the pilot paying for the whole flight himself would not be an issue, but I may be wrong...


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1 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Jul 10, 2016

    Since no one else has jumed into the fray, I was going to give some general principles to guide you but, given what you already know, you should be able to answer these questions yourself. So why don’t you take a shot at it.

    But first, here’s Rule #1 to guide you: Read the applicable regulation. See what it actually says, not what you think it says, might say, or should say.

    For example, you mention the rule on carrying passengers on a reimbursed flight incidental to business but then ask whether carrying property rather than people changes it. 61.113(b) says a private pilot may be compensated for a flight incidental to business so long as, “The aircraft does not carry passengers or property for compensation or hire.”

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