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Cold temperature correction

Asked by: 3005 views General Aviation

In PAFA approach plate, it has two temperature restriction. So what is the different between temperature compensation and cold weather altitude correction? If my aircraft can not compensate tempature automatically,  may I do temperature compensation or altitude correction manually? 

1 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    John D Collins on Jun 30, 2016

    Cold weather altitude restrictions are for the altimeter and when to correct altimeter indications for MDA/DA, intermediate approach segments, and holding approach segments. The AIM discusses this extensively in 5-1-17.

    Uncompensated Baro-VNAV systems are found in airlines and corporate aircraft. This system generates a glidepath based on a GPS position for the lateral and a altitude sensor on the vertical. They are temperature limited because the measured altitude is a function of temperature. Compensated systems adjust for temperature.

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