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1 Answers

BARO VNAV Temp Compensation @ RKSI

Asked by: 4850 views Commercial Pilot, Weather

As we all know, temperature compensation is necessary during LVNA/VNAV approach by using the Baro-VNAV while the temperature is extremely low. In most of the airport approach charts (Jeppesen), it states "For uncompensated Baro-VNAV systems, LNAV/VNAV not authorized below -15℃ or above 49℃";. However, I found that for RKSI it only states "Baro-VNAV not authorized below -20℃". Does that mean I can NOT execute the approach even though my aircraft has temperature compensation function?

1 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Jun 30, 2016

    That’s what it sounds like to me. Given that RKSI is in Seoul, South Korea and I know nothing about Korean flight procedures and laws, I can’t say exactly. However, a strict reading of the wording does seem to say that you cannot fly the approach below that temperature, using baro-VNAV regardless of compensation or not.

    As for why the procedure has the note worded like that, you’d have to ask South Korea’s equivalent of the FAA.

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