Part 135 unscheduled on pilot crew Duty time limitations
Asked by: Mike O 5041 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations
ok, so this is and has been a topic of discussion at my place of business and there are two trains of thought on this.
Part 135 unscheduled on demad single pilot duty time limitations.
our GOM references 135.267d, and states that a pilot can exceed his 14 hour duty period when circumstances beyond his control and beyond the control of hte certificate holder cause delays in the flight. (weather, passenger delays etc)
I contend that a pilot under this regulation can never exceed the duty time limitations of 14 hours in a 24 hour period and that the regulations (135.267) only allows for the exceedence of the 8 hour FLIGHT TIME limitation not DUTY TIME.
The only way for me to exceed my duty time for a 24 hour period is to drop my paying passengers and fly back alone under part 91, which has no duty or flight time limitations.
GO! :)
Thanks in advance!
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