Obstacle Departure Procedure and compliance.
Asked by: Steve 3515 views Airspace, Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating
Hello everyone,
I have been going though the IAP and found out couple of questions regarding the ODP procedure listed in the approach plate.
In the beginning of the approach plate, they list the TO Min and ODP for specific airport and I am pasting one of them below for your reference.
TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND (OBSTACLE) DEPARTURE PROCEDURES AMDT 3 06159 (FAA) DEPARTURE PROCEDURE: Rwy 5, climb via heading 054° to 1800 before proceeding on course. Rwy 12, climb via heading 122° to 1800 before proceeding on course. Rwy 23, climb via heading 234° to 1800 before proceeding on course. Rwy 30, climb via heading 302° to 1800 before proceeding on course.
NOTE: Rwy 5, numerous trees beginning 64' from DER, 245' left of centerline, up to 100' AGL/143' MSL. Numerous trees beginning 869' from DER, 410' right of centerline, up to 100' AGL/154' MSL. Rwy 12, numerous trees beginning 154' from DER, 129' left of centerline, up to 100' AGL/153' MSL......
My question here was that, in a IFR or VFR condition, do we have to comply with the ODP route/procedure and inform the ATC that we are flying the ODP? or does ATC expect us to fly the route?
Secondly, there were airports without the departure procedure but NOTE section containing some of the obstacles around the airport in distance and their height. Is this for alerting pilots and letting us aware of obstacles ?
Lastly, there was another note I got stuck with :
CIVIL USERS NOTE: Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 prescribes standard takeoff rules and establishes takeoff minimums for certain operators as follows: (1) Aircraft having two engines or less - one statute mile. (2) Aircraft having more than two engines - one-half statute mile. These standard minima apply in the absence of any different minima listed below.
As far as I know, operation under part91 does not have prescribed minimum prescribed visibility for takeoff and the note above and my understanding of part91 operation both conflicted and need explanation on this !
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