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Updated FREE VFR and IFR Flight Planning Forms now Available

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Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot

Hi Folks,

We hope you are enjoying and learning from our AskACFI website. Thank you all who participate and our sincere thanks to those who reciprocate by using our FAA knowledge test, FAA checkride prep, and Safelog Pilot Logbook apps for your aviation needs.

Just a note today that we've updated our popular and free VFR and IFR flight planning kneeboard forms:

The specific change of interest is that we've added ICAO versions in addition to the standard "FAA Flight Plan" form versions. As you may know, the FAA is encouraging pilots to use the ICAO Flight Plan form when possible.

Our VFR and IFR flight planning kneeboard forms are basically documents that you print out and then write on both before your flight and during flight. They're useful even if you're lucky enough to fly a high tech aircraft full of technically advanced avionics. They're totally free for you to download and use. Happy flying!

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