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4 Answers

Departure Into Class C Airspace

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Let's look at 9G0, Buffalo Airfield. If someone took off from runway 6, there is no possible way to avoid entering class C airspace without talking to approach first. How in the world does the faa expect us to not violate class C here? Let's just say that we can't call Buffalo approach or tower on the ground because that is most likely the case. The a/fd mentions the clearance delivery number as it does for every airport. I know that if the outlying airport is already in class C, we are supposed to contact that airport as soon as practical after takeoff. To me, this doesn't apply here because we are not starting in class C. The same thing could be said for BQR, Buffalo Lancaster. Any opinions, especially correct ones, are appreciated.

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4 Answers

  1. jay2712 on Jun 07, 2016

    In looking at the chart, I see they have carved out a spot for 9G0 so that it is in the outer ring of the class C. So the floor of the C airspace above 9G0 is 2199 msl, as class C would begin as charted at 2200 msl.
    I would depart and turn out to avoid the inner ring which begins at the surface, initially.

    I would also verify that I couldn’t reach ATC on the ground, but would in any event contact ATC “as soon as practical” upon takeoff. Squawk 1200 on the box until given a code and ATC will see you anyway for separation. Contact them quickly with where you have departed from and your intentions as to course/direction of travel.

    Another useful tip would be to check with someone at the FBO before departure to see what local custom is for departing.

    Hope this helps, as its within regs and would work.

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  2. Nascr1Arrival on Jun 08, 2016

    I really don’t think it’s practically possible to avoid the airspace. It is very close – a few hundred feet – from the departure end of the runway.

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  3. Dave M on Jun 09, 2016


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  4. Dave M on Jun 09, 2016

    Also, you could could call (radio or phone) approach control prior to your departure, let them know your situation/intent, and they’ll probably give you a sqwak code.

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