C172S Range and Endurance profile chart in performance.
Asked by: Steve 6447 views Aerodynamics, Aircraft Systems, Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Hello everyone,
I fly C172S NAVlll model, and I came up with question on which chart to using while planning out XC flight.
With the skeletons figured out in the navlog sheet, I always open to 'Cruise Performance' section, choose altitude based on hemispheric rule, and then speed depending on how quickly I want to make this trip.
The next page, followed by Range and Endurance profile is where I was lost.
The range profile apparently displays speed, power, and range in nm which I think will be useful for long trip. On the other hand, the endurance profile allowed hours of flight time(endurance) to be deducible depending on altitude and power setting or vice versa.
My question is:-
- when do we use range or endurance profile chart?
- Any situation where I have to use both the chart to derive the cruise perf?
- Any situation where I have to use one of them only to derive the cruise perf?
- Do I have to use cruise performance chart in conjunction with range and endurance chart?
- I am planning a trip that is real far away from home airport, fuel topped off(53gallons), and I want to get there range permitting, and save as much as fuel. In this case, should I consider both range and endurance? what is your opinion?
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